After A Car Crash, How Is The Amount Of A Plaintiff's Settlement Determined?

Posted on: 30 September 2015

Unlike cases that involve payments for expenses such as child support and alimony, judges do not use a specific formula to determine the amount of money a plaintiff should receive after being injured in an automobile accident. Some insurance companies have a chart with general settlement averages for similar types of accidents, but it's hard to determine a set figure for each unique car crash. Even if your insurance company does have a specific settlement amount in mind, the figure is still open for negotiation in mediation or the courtroom.
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4 Most Common Areas Of The Body Injured In Car Accidents

Posted on: 16 September 2015

Getting into a car accident can sometimes just be a minor annoyance, but in other instances, car accidents can cause serious physical damage. Although there are a large number of ways in which you can be injured in a car accident, there are a few common areas of the body that are prone to injury during these accidents. Head Head injuries are one of the most devastating forms of trauma that people suffer during an automobile accident, even if the person who suffered from the accident was adequately "
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Suing for Toxic Mold in Your Home: Who Is Liable?

Posted on: 25 August 2015

When you discover that your home has thousands of dollars worth of mold damage needing to be repaired, it can be a rude awakening—especially if you don't have the funds to pay for it. Depending on your living situation, you actually could take someone to court to help cover the costs of the damages. Also, if you or a family member developed health problems as a result of the infestation, those hospital bills could potentially be covered if you can prove that someone else was responsible for the damage.
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What Should You Know About The Changing Standards For Federal Disability Benefits?

Posted on: 25 June 2015

Whether you're currently receiving federal disability benefits or are considering applying for the first time, you may have heard various news reports concerning the Social Security Disability fund running dry, with disability benefits set to be cut by up to 20 percent beginning in 2016. In an effort to help stretch the remaining Social Security Disability (SSD) dollars, lawmakers have proposed a number of changes to the eligibility standards used to determine whether someone may receive SSD and how much their monthly stipend will be.
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