• Who's at Fault in a Lane-Splitting Accident?

    It's not uncommon to see motorcyclists performing a controversial maneuver on the roads called lane-splitting, especially if traffic is stalled. This is when riders drive between two lanes of traffic. As you can imagine, this maneuver increases the risk of accidents, and motorcyclists and drivers want to know who's at fault when collisions occur in this situation. Unfortunately, the answer is not always clear. Here are a couple of factors to consider which may help you determine who pays who for damages.
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  • Personal Injuries & Season Ticket Holders: How A Lawyer Can Help With Quality Of Life Claims

    Owning season tickets to your favorite sports team comes with the privilege and honor of watching games, following teams, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Suffering a personal injury can dramatically affect your ability to use those season tickets and enjoy the regular games that you loved to attend. A large part of any personal injury case is a quality of life claim. When specifically dealing with your season tickets, there may be several factors that impact your quality of life and emotional distress that comes with the injury.
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  • Social Media And Personal Injury: Can Facebook And Twitter Hurt Your Car Accident Case?

    If you hire a personal injury attorney to represent you in your car accident case, they may caution you against interacting verbally and physically with the other driver's insurance company during your case. However, you might think that it's okay to share information and updates about your case with friends and family either personally or through social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. While there's nothing wrong with keeping worried loved ones updated about your health, it might come back to haunt you later if you discuss pertinent details about your case.
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  • Avoiding Hard Feelings When Pursuing Money For An Accident From Family Members

    Trying to collect compensation for damages stemming from an auto accident with a stranger can be stressful, but things can become infinitely more complex if you were involved in a car crash with a family member. If the insurance company doesn't pay all your losses or denies your claim, you may need to collect the cash directly from your loved one. Here are three tips for minimizing the hard feelings that may develop when trying to get your family member to compensate you for an auto accident.
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  • Bowling Alley Injuries: 4 Factors That May Impact Your Case

    Going bowling is a fun recreational activity that has been a tradition for many decades. While bowling is mostly safe, you may find yourself getting injured on the lanes. If you've been injured while bowling, you may have a lot of medical bills and emotional trauma as a result of the case. Instead of dealing with those injuries on your own, a personal injury attorney can build a settlement case to help compensate for the damages.
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  • Take A Realistic Look At What A Personal Injury Settlement Might Net You

    Before filing a personal injury claim, you should take a realistic look at what you might net from it. Of course, all claims are different, and your ultimate settlement will depend on your case. Unless you sustained lifelong injuries, though, a settlement probably won't leave you set for life. Large-sum settlements capture headlines, but most cases settle for only modest sums. Here's a look at what you might ultimately receive from a typical successful personal injury claim.
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  • Car Accidents & PTSD: 5 Factors That May Impact Your Case

    Many people are lucky to survive horrific car accidents, but there are often physical and emotional injuries that can linger long after the accident occurred. One emotional impact that you may be dealing with is PTSD or better known as post-traumatic stress disorder. When you're working with a lawyer and seeking compensation for car accident injuries, your PTSD can really factor into the case. Car accidents can impact the the following five areas and you may be entitled to compensation.
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