Understanding Your Workers Compensation Medical Benefit

Posted on: 26 September 2017

If you have been hurt at work, you are entitled to receive some valuable benefits from your employer's workers comp insurance coverage plan. Among other things, one of the most important of those benefits is medical coverage. You should not need to pay anything for any medical care you receive as a result of a workplace injury, but you must follow the guidelines if you are to be fully compensated. Read on to learn more about getting compensated for your medical treatment for on-the-job injuries.

Why do I need to seek treatment? 

Not only is it wise to seek medical care right away, doing so will benefit you in a number of ways. If your injury is minor and you don't feel the need to go to the emergency room or doctor, then it might be too minor for your workers comp insurance to pay any benefits. Any minor cut or injury that can be remedied with a first aid kit is likely too minor for you to file claim on.

Seeking prompt medical care will help ensure that your recovery happens quicker, and that you are able to get back to work as soon as possible. After all, you are likely facing a reduced salary amount because of being on workers comp, and sooner or later that reduction could affect your budget negatively. Additionally, seeking prompt treatment could help ensure that you are compensated from workers comp adequately. A delay in getting medical care might cause the insurance carrier or your supervisor to question whether or not your injury was really work-related.

Where should I go to seek treatment?

If it's an emergency, and an ambulance ride is not necessary, go to the closet hospital emergency room. If the injury doesn't require emergency care, consult with your supervisor for instructions on choosing a doctor. Depending on the rules in your state, you may be able to choose your own doctor or you may have to choose from an employer-provided list. If you have a choice in treating doctors, it may be best to avoid doctors recommended by your employer or your workers' comp carrier. A doctor of your own choosing could allow you to have more objective care for your injury.

More about your workers comp doctor

Whoever ends up being your doctor, they will play an important role in your recovery and in your ability to get workers comp benefits. In most cases this doctor will:

  • Determine whether or not your injury or illness is work-related
  • Determine how you will be treated for your injury
  • Determine how much time you need off from work, as well as when you can return to light duty at work or return to work full time
  • Determine whether or not your injury is a permanent one

If you are having trouble with your workers comp claim, speak to a workers comp attorney at firms like Mordhorst Law.


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