
  • Can You File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit If Your Loved One Is Killed In A Train Accident?

    Hundreds of trains travel the rails on a daily basis. Both commuter and freight trains ride the rails, crossing the country at all hours of the day. For the most part, these trips are safe, and everyone gets to their destination with no problems happening. Once in awhile, there is an accident or derailment that might happen that is severe enough to cause injuries and death. If your loved one was killed in a train accident, is it possible to sue the rail company for wrongful death?
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  • From Greenstick Fracture To Amputation: Why This May Be Medical Malpractice

    A greenstick fracture is a bone break whereby one or more bones are broken across the transverse section of the bone(s) to the middle of the bone(s). Greenstick fractures are typically only found in children teens, but young adults can have them too. If you were in an accident and came into the hospital with an open greenstick fracture (i.e., broken bones jutting out through the flesh), and you ended up with an amputation, this may be grounds for medical malpractice.
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  • First Things First: Taking Action After A Car Wreck

    Nobody makes plans to get in a car wreck, and when it happens, it can really disrupt a life. When you consider how an injury accident affects you, you can understand it, but be ready for it? Probably not. Your actions, especially those right after the wreck can affect the way you heal from your injury and the way you are compensated. Read on to learn more about taking action after a car wreck.
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  • Ways To Know If You Have A Valid Wrongful Death Lawsuit

    When someone close to you dies it is natural to feel deep grief, but the pain can be even more intense when death is the result of someone else's actions. While money can't replace a person or take away the pain of loss, family members may be entitled to a financial settlement on behalf of the deceased loved one. Continue reading to learn more about what is required to file a lawsuit for wrongful death: 
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  • When Will A Person Actually Receive Your Check For Your Auto Accident Damages?

    The question most pressing on accident victims' minds is how soon after resolving their cases would they receive their compensation checks. It depends on whether you settled your case or went to trial. Here's what you need to know about how early you can expect your payment so you can plan accordingly. After Settling Your Case When you settle your case with the liable party—or the insurance company tasked with reimbursing you for your damages—you'll receive your check fairly quickly afterward, usually within 30 days.
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  • When Workers' Comp Is Inadequate

    For work-related injuries, your employer's workers' comp insurance is usually the first thing you turn to when it comes to covering your medical bills and part of your salary when recuperating at home. In most cases, this form of coverage works fine. Sometimes, however, you may find yourself the victim of an injury that requires greater care when handling. Read on to learn more information about a specific injury where workers' comp may fall short.
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  • Why You Have To Sign A Waiver To Go Over Niagara Falls In A Barrel

    Going over Niagara Falls in a barrel used to be this big, cool thing thrill-seekers used to do. It does not happen so much anymore, mostly because of the injuries and the potential for a fatality. In some areas of the Falls, you can still do this, but only as a media stunt and only if you sign a legal waiver. Here are the reasons why a legal waiver is necessary.
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  • Semi Truck Accident Law Tips

    When you drive trucks for a living, you need to always be sure that you're prepared to take action. Doing this will allow you to get representation when you need it, which will help you get paid and also protect your rights. Whether you're dealing with personal injury litigation in civil court, or defense if you're accused of being at fault, you'll need to help of a credible truck accident lawyer.
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  • Understanding Your Workers Compensation Medical Benefit

    If you have been hurt at work, you are entitled to receive some valuable benefits from your employer's workers comp insurance coverage plan. Among other things, one of the most important of those benefits is medical coverage. You should not need to pay anything for any medical care you receive as a result of a workplace injury, but you must follow the guidelines if you are to be fully compensated. Read on to learn more about getting compensated for your medical treatment for on-the-job injuries.
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  • Common Notions About The Protections Offered By Worker's Compensation

    Workplace injuries are occurrences that can be extremely damaging and disruptive to the employee that was unfortunate enough to have been injured. Worker's compensation will usually cover these damages so that the employee can obtain the medical treatment that they will require to fully recover. Regretfully, a limited familiarity with the protections offered by the worker's compensation policy will prevent individuals from taking advantage of these protections. Pre-Existing Conditions That Are Aggravated Or Worsened May Be Covered
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